Editorial: Pettiness and lack of compromise foils tax relief in Kansas
I have been critical of various issues over a number of years -- educational outcomes, excessive taxation, and government spending in general – with good reason. But after the 2023 legislative session, it’s apparent that the root problem preventing the improvement of these issues is the lack of true leadership in our state Capitol. The governor’s recent vetoes of key legislation show her true colors, none of which put citizens like you first. The fact that significant tax reform didn't happen is the result of her pettiness and lack of compromise, even with members of her own party.
Legislative Update - April 3, 2023
We have concluded our committee work in the House, and have been working to pass a lot of important policy through the House Chamber before we move on this week to bills coming out of conference committees.While the House Democrats focus on partisan antics, my fellow Republicans have been doing the heavy lifting to deliver broad and sustainable tax relief and a fiscally responsible budget to the people we serve here in Kansas. As always, I have been looking out for the taxpayers of the 39th District in Shawnee and Lake Quivira, working to protect freedoms, reduce the burden of taxes and unnecessary regulations, and prioritize student-centered education and parental rights. See the current highlights.
Legislative Update - March 13, 2023
As I promised in my campaign, I’m working to prioritize our most vulnerable Kansans and eliminate waiting lists for services for individuals with disabilities. I’m also working to eliminate state taxes on social security and retirement income. Other major issues this legislative session include education (which accounts for more than half the state budget), tax relief to return much of our $3 billion surplus to you, and prudent balanced budgeting for the KPERS retirement system. We also just passed the Women's Bill of Rights. In this update, I'll go in depth on a student-centered proposal to improve outcomes and give parents control of their children's education. Read on.
Legislative Update - Feb. 27, 2023
We voted on several dozen bills on the House floor last week and passed several more out of my committees. You'll find a complete list of the bills passed – as well as how I voted – by clicking the name of this post. You can also read about highlights from our recent days in session.
Legislative Update - Feb. 13, 2023
More than 400 pieces of legislation were introduced this week and we voted on 8 bills that made it out of committees to the House floor. See how I voted and learn about all the latest happenings.
The debate over parents' rights in education
Why parents' rights matter so much in Kansas
Legislative Update Feb. 7, 2023
We completed Week 4 at the statehouse last week and we're beginning to see bills come to the House floor for a vote. We heard plenty of testimony in committees about bills that would improve deficiencies in our government administration and schools, and bring new opportunities to taxpayers, families. Here are some highlights.
Legislative Update - Jan. 31, 2023
Property Tax Relief for Seniors
During my re-election campaign, I supported prioritizing tax relief for seniors in District 39 and throughout the state. We are already working on this. One change is a first step in a property tax freeze for low income seniors and disabled veterans via a rebate program administered by the KS Department of Revenue (KDOR). Learn more...
Legislative Update - 2023 Opening Session
We began the 2023 Kansas Legislative Session by laying out a set of priorities that put the people of Kansas first. We introduced our Republican legislative agenda - A Better Way: Our Commitment to Kansas. Read about our committee work and bills that have already been introduced.
Agenda for Our Commitment to Kansas
We began the 2023 Kansas Legislative Session by laying out a set of priorities that put the people of Kansas first. We introduced our Republican legislative agenda- A Better Way: Our Commitment to Kansas. Read the summary.
I Want You to Retire Tax Free in Kansas
Kansas is the 3rd worst state in the country for retirees, according to a new independent study from Kiplinger's. I've heard it in neighborhoods throughout the 39th District -- the tax burden for Kansas retirees is just too high. It's the one of the main reasons Kansas lost 5,200 households in 2021 -- the 10th most in the U.S.! That's why I support -- and will fight for -- the Retire Tax Free plan in Kansas.
This plan would provide relief to retirees who live on fixed incomes and struggle with both the rising costs of inflation and shrinking retirement investments due to market losses. It would also encourage more retirees of all income levels to remain in the state - or move to Kansas - rather than move to a different state. Learn what's included in the plan.
Endorsed by NFIB & small business owners
I am delighted to share that I have again received the endorsement of NFIB (National Federation of Independent Businesses) because of my proven record of results in fighting for small businesses in Kansas.
As a small business owner for over 30 years here in Shawnee, I understand and have lived through the challenges that small business owners go through on a daily basis. I understand how burdensome government overreach can be for job creators such as myself, which is why I am passionate about advocating for small businesses that are the economic engine of our economy.
2022 Veto Session Recap
The Legislature returned for two veto sessions to wrap up those items that were still pending from the regular session, consider any vetoes, and update the budget based on new financial information.
2022 Legislative Session Recap & Update
The Legislature has concluded the majority of its work for the session, though a few key items remain to wrap up during the Veto Session. We spent the last week of session working through differences in versions of bills between the House and Senate. All bills passed up to this point have been presented to the Governor for her consideration. The Legislature will have the opportunity to consider veto overrides on any bill the Governor decides to veto when we return to Topeka on April 25. Read the full recap by clicking on the title.
February 2022 Legislative Update
The second half of the session is underway. The Legislature completed the first half of work on February 23, ahead of the Turnaround deadline, when non-exempt bills have to be considered in their house of origin. The Legislature returned to action on March 2 with House committees taking up bills sent over by the Senate. Work continues on big issues, including the budget, taxes, and redistricting.
Feb. Legislative Update - Tax Relief & Constitutional Balance
The 2022 Kansas Legislative Session is nearing its half-way point. Work is now focused on the turnaround legislative deadlines as committees spent last week holding hearings and recommending bills. In this update, you'll learn more about tax relief I'm supporting and constitutional balance that is needed in Kansas.
2022 Legislative Update - Weeks 1-5 Summary
The 2022 Kansas Legislative Session began on January 10, and we wasted no time getting to work. In this update, I'll provide highlights from the first five weeks of Session, including a summary of our biggest legislative challenges and the solutions I am promoting and supporting.
Legislative Wrap-Up 2021
This May we wrapped up the 2021 Kansas Legislative Session with a host of accomplishments to benefit Kansas taxpayers and relief and provisions for Kansas most vulnerable citizens. I will highlight some of our key accomplishments, which were made possible by Republican majorities who are putting Kansas people first.
The Legislature adjourned its Veto Session May 7, wrapping up its work five days ahead of the 90-day schedule. During the Veto Session, we overrode five of the Governor’s vetoes, passed a budget including fully funding for K-12 schools and expanded school scholarships, and implemented additional COVID relief to help kickstart the economy. Read the full report.
Legislative Update Feb 2021
In the 2021 session, I sit on the Social Services Budget, Education and Financial Institutions and Rural Development Committees. In this legislative update, I’ll address the state unemployment crisis and touch on highlights in other key areas.
Priorities for the next legislative session
As many of you know, the Kansas legislative session came to a close early due to COVID-19 and we were not able to pass all the legislation that we had hoped to pass this year. In this column, I will highlight the most pressing needs that need priority attention in the next legislative session, including addressing the social services waiting list. As your representative in western Shawnee, I’m prepared to lead the effort to address these unmet needs and remain a good steward of taxpayers’ money.
Gov. Kelly issues stay-home order, closes schools
Gov. Laura Kelly Saturday, March 28, 2020, signed a temporary statewide stay-home directive excluding essential activities and taking effect on Monday, March 30, in response to escalation of coronavirus cases in Kansas.
Gov. Kelly said the executive order to suspend activities recognized the capacity of COVID-19 infection to escalate and a key role the public could play in restraining it by limiting interaction among people. The order will remain in place until April 19 and won’t be lifted until consistent evidence of a declining infection rate is in hand. It does permit exceptions that include leaving the home for reasons of personal health or safety, to secure supplies or services and for outdoor activities.
Bills passed and executive orders in March 2020
After a flurry of legislative actions, the Kansas Legislative session was suspended in March for the safety of legislators and staff at the Capitol. This is an important report of final legislative actions this month -- including passage of a budget. We are tentatively scheduled to return on April 27 for the veto session. You can get daily updates by following my Facebook page. Below are the final bills that were passed the last week of session, including the budget bill, and Gov. Kelly's executive orders.
Information about COVID-19 for Kansans
I wanted to give you a brief update regarding COVID-19. It's important to remember this is not a political issue. This is a public health issue. The health and safety of all Kansans comes first, and it is the highest priority for me and my fellow legislators at this time. Governor Kelly has declared a state of emergency. I am working with the members of the Governor’s public health team and other legislators in both houses to make sure our first responders, health care providers and communities have all they need to help slow the spread of the virus and treat those who may have it. Get updates here.
Small Businesses Back Donohoe with NFIB Endorsement
The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) has endorsed Owen Donohoe for State Representative in Kansas District 39.
Donohoe has consistently been endorsed by small business owners (NFIB) and the business community (Kansas Chamber of Commerce), because of his commitment to economic growth, prudent development and low taxes that attract and retain businesses in Kansas.
"Owen Donohoe is committed to support small business and free enterprise," NFIB State Director Dan Murray says. "He's committed to ensuring a common sense regulatory, labor and tax environment that will help small businesses grow and create jobs."
Rep. Owen Donohoe files for State Representative
Owen Donohoe, former three-term State Representative for the 39th District in Kansas, has filed for the Republican primary for the State House of Representatives.
In his three terms as State Representative representing the citizens of Shawnee, Rep. Donohoe was known as a "Champion of the Taxpayer" and a strong, pro-life supporter of family values.
"I want to bring the focus of the legislature back to supporting family values and fiscal accountability," Rep. Donohoe explains. "This is what the citizens want -- accountability and a strong foundation of values in our policies."