Curbing taxes and inflation in Kansas
Kansas tax rates are too high, and hard-working families and businesses need help.
For more than 2 years, Kansans have paid far more in taxes than were needed to run our state government. In August 2022, the state taxed residents $652.5 million, more than 3.7% higher than last August. Overall, for FY 2023, total tax collections are already 12.6% higher than expected!
At the same time, inflation is rampant. You and I have seen prices rise everywhere -- and our family and small business budgets are feeling the burden of inflation.
Estimates show that Kansans are facing an additional monthly cost of $730 on purchases. That doesn't include increased federal and state taxes, property taxes (how does your county tax bill look?) and local, school and municipal tax hikes. (By the way, I supported the Truth in Taxation property tax transparency bill in 2022 which Gov. Kelly opposed but we overrode her veto.)
This excessive taxation -- coupled with skyrocketing inflation -- leaves Kansas taxpayers like you holding the bag. This is an important priority issue I will address in the next legislative session, and you can count on me to put you first in any considerations for additional spending and taxes in Topeka. You deserve tax relief.
Tax Solutions
Kansas families need real tax cuts to help offset the cost of inflation. With the state regularly exceeding monthly tax revenue and sitting on staggering reserves we need changes to keep the cost of living low in Kansas.
For those hoping to retire, it's even worse. The Sunflower State is the third least tax-friendly state for retirees according to Kiplinger’s. We need to remove state taxes on pensions, Social Security benefits or distributions from 401k's or similar retirement savings accounts. This will encourage retired Kansans to stay here rather than moving away to lower-tax states.
The most basic step we should consider in the legislature is something that twenty other states already provide: some form of inflation indexing for tax brackets, standard deductions or personal exemptions.
We should also look for places where our state can operate more efficiently. These efficiencies should help us save money. Reducing the cost of government is another way to take a financial burden off families' backs. In addition, we can reduce regulatory bureaucracy that helps to reduce the cost to do business in Kansas, ship goods and meet demands for products.
As a state representative, I have consistently fought for fair, honest and lean government, starting with tax reform to help families and small businesses thrive in Kansas. I'll continue to work to help keep your taxes low, and help keep inflation under control.
* Congressional Joint Economic Committee