House Action This Week - published 2-23-19
The House committees were active this week trying to hold hearings and work bills prior to next Monday’s deadline that ends committee meetings. Here is a list of my votes this week:
HB 2085 gives hardworking Kansans who have hit hard times the ability to work with their local rural water districts to get current and keep their benefit units so the water keeps flowing. Voted YES
HB 2007 creates distinctive license plates for veterans that allow them to show pride in the branch in which they served, whether Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard. We thank all our veterans for their service to our country. Voted YES
HB 2085 concerns requirements for the reinstatement of a forfeited benefit unit of a rural water district. Voted YES
HB 2087 allows certain light screening material on motor vehicle windows. Voted YES
HB 2097 provides a method for calculating cost of keeping civil prisoners in county jail. Voted YES
HB 2104 provides amendments related to driving under the influence, including preliminary screening tests, implied consent advisories and test refusal. Voted YES
HB 2105 updates laws concerning limited liability companies. Voted YES
HB 2119 empowers the KPERS board to use best practices to develop efficient procurement and contracts, as well as appropriate travel to make sure the state is obtaining the best possible services to keep our pension system financially sound. Voted YES
HB 2125 requires drivers to deliver their licenses to law enforcements officers during a lawful traffic stop. Law enforcement requested the bill after some protestors attempted to create a loophole in the law by only “displaying” their licenses and not handing them over. The ability of an officer to hold and inspect the license can help spot fakes, stop fraud, and keep Kansans safer.
HB 2127 eliminates the marking requirements for certain truck and truck tractors. Voted YES
In other legislative action, we approved this Senate bill:
KPERS: SB 9 invests $115 million into our public pension system (paying off debt) and makes good on a payment that was deferred in 2016. This puts us back on track to continue the work of making our pension system solvent, stable, and sound for future generations. This passed 117-0, but this bipartisan measure was blasted by Gov. Kelly, who favors a plan to delay payments to KPERS over the next 5 years, costing taxpayers an additional $7.4 billion. Voted YES